Saturday, April 12, 2008

Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper

Karl Popper said that you can't predict the future well because you cannot predict new technology with any degree of accuracy.  New inventions are, to use Nassim Nicholas Taleb's phrase, black swans - unpredictable, paradigm changing developments and discoveries.

Now Dean Kamen might be one of those snake-oil salesmen adept at telling people he has found the solution to all of life's ills, and it's in this magic box, and if you just give him a few million dollars he'll give one to everybody.

Or he might have invented something that can change the world.  Time will tell, but  I'm betting on the optimists.  I'd rather do that and be wrong that side with the pessimists and cynics.   A pity that Colbert didn't get around to drinking the Doritos though.  

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